Digg.com has a cool link, albeit somewhat disconcerting. Visit iphonecountdown.com for a live counter to June and Apple’s iPhone release date.
Category: Fun
An article over on MacMerc.com show a full video of a person spinning an assortment of items, among them a DVD, a copy of Maxim magazine, a puzzle and a 15″ MacBook Pro (starting at $2,499 at the Apple Store). He’s good, but this WILL make your heart seize up and your brain cringe: If […]
Apple Includes Hidden Games in Terminal
Well, it’s more a part of emacs and code written by Richard M. Stallman, but a cool article over at digg.com shows a full video of how to access hidden games within Mac OS X’s Terminal program: Mac OS X Hidden Games – video powered by Metacafe Otherwise, just follow the following instructions: Type into […]
Legend of the Dogcow Posted
Technology blog Uneasysilence.com has posted an abridged history of Apple‘s legendary Dogcow, the cult favorite icon originally designed as part of the Cairo font by Susan Kare when Apple was designing its own fonts back in the 80’s. In 1986, the Dogcow image became more prevalent as Apple was looking for an image to demonstrate […]
Cats Prefer PowerPC
Moose the cat insists PPC is cozier, and he’s right: my Taylor instant reads 82 degrees Fahrenheit for the MacBook 1.83 GHz versus a tropical 90 degrees (F) on the 1.67 GHz Power PC G4. Guess whose battery will last longer…