Gizmodo is carrying the first story of a successful Mac mini auto install in a 2001 Volkswagen GTi: Matt Turner was kind enough to drop us a line about his month-long endeavor of permanently installing and integrating a Mac mini into his 2001 Volkswagen GTi. He pulls out all the stops with a 7″ USB […]
Category: Hardware
AppleInsider is reporting that Apple has joined the Blu-Ray Disc Association Forum. Read More…
Trackpad issues continue the plague the PowerBook 2005 judging by email received by the PowerPage and postings on Apple’s own discussion forums and other Mac News sites like MacFixIt and MacInTouch. AppleInsider posted a story Friday that Apple has acknowledged the problem. Read More…
One reader’s tale of running an iPod mini through the washing machine. Did it survive? Click through for the amazing results…
Did you see this iPod hack on New Scientist? What a c()()1 H4X! Computer enthusiasts have worked out how to reprogram Apple’s iPod music player with their own code using an ingenious acoustic trick. They adapted the component that generates clicks – or “squeaks” – as a user scrolls through the on-screen menu in order […]