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Apple to bring back in-person Today at Apple sessions at U.S. Apple Store locations on March 7

Following a two year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Apple on Thursday announced that the company will be bringing back its popular Today at Apple sessions at Apple Store retail locations throughout the United States on Monday, March 7. The company offered the following press release: Beginning March 7, Apple Store locations around the […]

Apple Business Education Hardware iPad iPad Air iPad mini iPad Pro Legal Mac Desktop Mac mini Mac Pro MacBook MacBook Air MacBook Pro News retail Retail Store

Apple removes UNiDAYS education requirement for U.S. education storefront

Apple has walked back a requirement preventing some users from receiving discounts through its education storefront. Last week, the company began requiring that customers taking advantage of educational discounts in the United States verify their status as a teacher, student, or school staff member through UNiDAYS. As of Friday, discounted iPads, Macs, and other products can be […]

Apple Business Education Finance Hardware News retail

Apple’s U.S. education storefront now requires proof of active status in order to obtain discounts

Apple has begun requiring that customers within the United States verify that they’re currently active students, teachers, or staff members at educational institutions in order to access educational discounts on products. As the store was accessible to all, some customers may have used it even if they weren’t an education customer, which likely led Apple […]

AirPods AirPods Pro Apple Business Education iMac iPad iPad Air iPad mini iPad Pro iPhone iPhone 12 iPhone 13 Mac Desktop Mac mini Mac Pro MacBook MacBook Air MacBook Pro News Promotion retail Retail Store

Apple educational promotion now offering free AirPods with qualifying Mac or iPad purchase

Apple has begun giving away a free pair of AirPods to both students and teachers who purchase an eligible Mac or iPad in countries outside the US including Australia and New Zealand. Customers who purchase a MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, iMac, iMac Pro, iPad Pro, or iPad Air will receive free second-generation AirPods, but users […]

Accessory App Store Apple Apps Developer Education Fun iOS iPad iPad Air iPad mini iPad Pro iPadOS iPhone iPhone Mac macOS News Software Swift

Apple releases Swift Playgrounds 4, offers full support for creating iOS and iPadOS apps directly from an iPad

Apple on Wednesday released Swift Playgrounds 4, the newest version of its free Swift Playgrounds app used for teaching code in the education market. The newest version of the app allows iPhone and iPad apps to be created directly on an ‌iPad‌ without the need for a Mac.  The new version includes the following new features and changes: – […]