Android App Store Apple Apps Holiday iOS iPhone Mobile Phone Software

More iOS purchases over Christmas than on Android

Before we ring out 2013, we probably want to slip in that Apple did extremely well against Android over the holiday season. Regarding apps, it appears that the AppStore did quite a bit of business around Christmas as compared to Android. IBM’s latest Digital Analytics Benchmark Report found that purchases made from iOS devices accounted for […]

App Store Apple Holiday iTunes iTunes Music Store music

12 Days: Day 6 gift

The watch for free gifts from Apple continues. For day six of its 12 Days promotion, Apple is offering one song and one video from Avicii’s New Years Eve Mix. With less than 24 hours to go until New Years, this seems like an appropriate choice. Keep watching the PowerPage as we run-down each giveaway […]

App Store Apple Apps Developer Holiday iOS iPhone iTunes Mac Software

iTunes Connect available again

Developers were (probably) happy last Friday when iTunes Connect went back online. iTunes Connect is the tool that developers use to upload apps, change text and pricing, and monitor their sales in the AppStore. Back in November, Apple sent out emails to developers notifying them of the holiday downtime, affecting both Mac and iOS software. […]

Apps Fun Game Holiday iBook iOS iPad iPhone iTunes Mac music Software

The first items from Apple’s 12 Day giveaway

Hopefully, many of you caught our article on Apple’s release of the 12 Days app in the US this year. The giveaway was kicked off the day after Christmas and, as the app’s name suggests, you’ll be able to download free things from Apple for 12 days. We have already entered day five with seven […]

Accessory battery Consumer Electronics Gadget Hardware Holiday retail Review Software The Apple Core

Holiday gift round-up: Part Deux

Here’s part 2 of my Gift Guide, which may turn into that “what I get when I return my Christmas gifts for credit” list, seeing as how it’s only 6 days until Christmas. The second half includes a number of gift ideas that I’ve stolen borrowed from some other gift guides because they are really […]