
Get Published!

Do you have a story idea for the PowerPage? Get Published! The new PowerPage Get Published page is up and running. Submit a story and if it passes muster, we’ll publish it on the PowerPage. Fame and fortune await 😉


PBFixIt Changes Name to iFixIt

PB FixIt, maker of the revolutionary Fixit Guide series, has changed their name to iFixit. Explaining the move, iFixit CEO Kyle Wiens said, “Why are we changing names? A few reasons. The first: iFixit sounds cooler. Secondly, Apple is discontinuing the PowerBook name and we want to stay relevant to all Mac owners. But most […]


MWSF: Apple Announces Intel MacBook Pro

“One More Thing…” “We’ve done everything possible” to put a G5 in a PowerBook… Announcing the MacBook Pro 4-5x faster than PBG4 imaging 4.5x faster floating point 5.2x faster fastest Mac notebook ever 1-inch thin (thinner than 17-inch PowerBook) 15.4 inch as bright as cinema display iSight camera built-in live iChat demo with Phil video […]


PowerPage Forums Open for Business

The PowerPage Forums are open for business today and provide a place for mobile technologists to discuss everything related to Apple’s mobile products: PowerBooks, iBooks, iPods and just about anything else. There’s even a dedicated forum to discuss everything going on at Macworld Expo San Francisco 2006. Got an old PowerBook or some Mac parts […]


FiOS is Available!

A Verizon press release states that the company’s wicked-fast fiber optic broadband service, FiOS, is now available to residential customers in Bergen, Mercer, Camden, Morris, Somerset, and Monmouth counties in New Jersey. The Verizon FiOS pages allow you to check your phone number or address to see if you qualify for the new service. Read […]