Ladies and gentlemen, O’Grady’s PowerPage is looking for a few good game reviewers to cover titles on the Mac OS X and iOS platform. Simply put, we’re looking to continuously review titles on Apple’s notebooks as well as the company’s iOS devices and are looking for a few talented reviewers to take on assignments. So, […]
Category: Announcement
The mighty Jason O’Grady pointed this out to me. And it is nifty. Behold,’s “Jason’s Super Power Strip”, a design familiar to PowerPage and Shazam fans alike. Take a gander and, yes, Jason ordered four of these…
Ladies and gentlemen, Apple will be holding a conference call to announce its earnings for the first quarter of 2013 at 2 PM PST/5 PM EST. Stay tuned to the PowerPage for details as they become available and additional information can be found over at
Ladies and gentlemen, happy new year from O’Grady’s PowerPage! With midnight having come and gone, it’s now 2013, some cool stuff is on the horizon and it looks to be a good year ahead for mobile computing on the Mac. That being said, the staff of the PowerPage will be back tomorrow with more up […]
Ladies and gentlemen, Thanksgiving is upon us, so here is the wisest advice I have to give for the holiday: Relax, spend time with your friends and family, eat some amazing food, show some cool Mac and iOS tips to the people around you and just enjoy the holiday. We’ll be back tomorrow with more […]