iOS iPad iPad mini iPhone iPod Touch News security Software

Apple releases iOS 8.3 update

It’s a day of muchos updates for OS X and iOS users. On Wednesday, Apple released version 8.3 of its iOS operating system. The new version, a 487 megabyte download, contains a massive helping of fixes and changes. Among them are more than 300 new emoji symbols, a scrolling keyboard, additional languages for Siri and […]

News security Software

1Password 5.3 for OS X released, includes slew of fixes, changes, new features

Arguably the best password protector/security application for OS X just got better. On Monday, AgileBits released version 5.3 of its 1Password application for OS X. The new version, a 36.5 megabyte download, includes a massive list of fixes and changes including time-based one-time passwords for two-step verification, new language translations, bug fixes, core improvements and […]

iOS iPad iPhone iPod Touch News security Software

Uncovered documents point towards CIA-sponsored program to break iOS device encryption, install backdoors

When the CIA sponsors a full-on “jamboree” focused on breaking the security found in the iPhone and iPad, there’s something to be said for that. According to recently obtained top-secret documents, security researchers were gathered at a CIA-sponsored “Jamboree” event wherein attendees discussed strategies for exploiting security flaws in household and commercial electronics. The conferences […]

News security Software

Apple releases Security Update 2015-002 for OS X 10.8, 10.9, 10.10 operating systems

It’s not a huge security update, but it came out yesterday and is probably worth snagging. Late Monday, Apple released Security Update 2015-002, a 4.8 megabyte update containing updated security fixes for the OS X 10.8, 10.9 and 10.10 operating systems. The update, which addresses vulnerabilities such as the “FREAK” attack, can be located and […]

News security Software

OS X malware on the rise, tips posted as to how to remove it

This is worth a gander. A recent piece on How-To Geek points out the dramatic rise in malware for Mac OS X, the article highlighting a spike in spyware, adware and overall malware that comes with clicking the wrong items during an installation. Once installed, the adware injects itself directly into your browser, analyzing your […]