News Retail Store

Microsoft to open 75 retail locations over next 2-3 years

If you can’t beat ’em, follow their lead and eventually try to take them down. Per Neowin, Microsoft plans to massively expand its retail presence to take in the U.S. in the next 2 to 3 years, with an aggressive goal of 75 new stores to take on Apple’s own retail operations. The plans are […]

Apple Retail Store

Apple Stores May Switch To iPhone Software for In-store Purchases

With the release of iPhone 3.0 enabled hardware and software, Apple may be planning a switch from its EasyPay handheld devices to iPhones for checking out customers at their retail stores. An AppleInsider report speculates that Apple may be planning to move away from the current Windows Mobile-based PDAs in favor of iPhones or iPod […]