Following up on last week’s news that Apple is looking to feature LED backlighting technology in its products, a DigiTimes story has stated that component manfacturers AU Optronics, Chi Mei Optoelectronics, Coretronic and Kenmos Technology. Sources stated that AU Optronics and Chi Mei Optoelectronics will send samples of their 13.3″ and 15.4″ panels to Apple […]
AT&T E-Mail Suggests Small Changes to iPhone
An animated GIF file present in a recent AT&T newsletter e-mail has brought to light some minor changes that have been made to Apple’s upcoming iPhone since its introduction at the January Macworld Expo in San Francisco. In the lower left hand corner, a double-arrow button is now present. This has been considered as a […]
On Friday, Magma began shipping its ExpressBox1 product, an external PCI breakout box for laptops including the MacBook Pro. The device boasts 2,000 Mbps data transfer rates and attaches to the MacBook Pro via an ExpressCard/34 connection and PCI Express cable. This allows the MacBook Pro to access higher-end video cards than the one that […]
PowerPage Podcast Episode 41
Episode 41 of the PowerPage Podcast is now available. You can either download it from the iTunes Store or directly (43’19, 15.4 1MB, AAC). Your panel: Jason O’Grady, Rob Parker, Youngmoo Kim, Bob Snow and Chuck Freedman. Topics include: Battery Update 1.2 and we round up a littany of Apple Software Updates. Subscribe to the […]
SpamSieve Updated to 2.6.2
SpamSieve, Michael Tsai’s pretty-near-essential e-mail filtering utility, has just been updated to version 2.6.2. The new version, a 3.9 megabyte download, adds the following changes and fixes: -Made changes to prevent a crash on Mac OS X 10.4.9 when quitting in response to a mail program quitting. -Slight changes for better accuracy. -Fixed regression where […]