Legal News

House passes anti-robocall legislation, bill thought to head to White House before end of the year

Robocalls may soon be a thing of the past. The House of Representatives on Wednesday passed the Stopping Bad Robocalls Act, which was unanimously approved by the Energy and Commerce Committee last week, and was sent to the House floor yesterday, where it was passed with a 429-3 vote. The bill offers the Federal Communication […]

Fun News retail

UPS completes first drone delivery test, envisions aerial drones working alongside truck-based delivery drivers

Your UPS packages could be delivered by drone in the relatively near future. UPS drone delivery testing kicked off on Monday with a successful package delivery alongside a human driver. In 2018 the FAA chose UPS to sit on its drone advisory committee. As of Monday, UPS tested a Workhorse HorseFly UAV Delivery drive that launched from […]