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Apple, Google to bring dozens of new, more inclusive emoji to devices via iOS 13 and Android Q

World Emoji Day took place on Wednesday, complete with Apple and Google unveiling a slew of new emoji based on the approved characters in Unicode 12 that will be arriving in iOS 13 and Android Q later this year. The theme for this year seems to be inclusion, meaning users of any race, gender, sexual […]

Android Apple Bluetooth Google Hack iOS Microsoft News privacy security

Researchers point out Bluetooth Low Energy exploit that can be used to access data in iOS, Windows 10 devices

It’s theoretical, but it’s interesting. A pair of researchers have discovered a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) vulnerability that can affect Apple devices and allow for tracking and data leakage. Researchers Johannes K. Becker and David Starobinski wrote a paper called Tracking Anonymized Bluetooth Devices. They presented it yesterday at the 19th Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium in […]