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Apple announces WWDC keynote livestream for June 4th, 10 A.M. PST

As is its custom, Apple will live stream its Worldwide Developers Conference 2018 keynote event. On Tuesday, the company announced that its livestream will begin at 10 A.M. PST on June 4th. Apple has only confirmed web access to the stream, though other formats like Apple TV will likely be announced in the days leading […]

Hack Hardware Intel News security Software

Intel issues warning of Variant 4 Spectre vulnerability

The Meltdown/Spectre issue continues. Intel has released a new report out describing what the chip maker is calling a Spectre-like vulnerability dubbed Variant 4. Like the Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities from earlier this year, Variant 4 exploits the CPU’s speculative execution mechanism so hackers can potentially get at sensitive information on your computer. The Intel […]