On Wednesday, chipmaker Qualcomm filed suit against Apple, claiming Apple has failed to abide by the terms of a software license and said it may have used its unprecedented access to that code to help Qualcomm-rival Intel Corp. The two companies are now engaged in a lawsuit over technology licensing fees that Qualcomm charges for […]
Month: November 2017
Trend Micro’s annual Pwn2Own has kicked off over at the PacSec Security conference in Tokyo, complete with security researchers spending the day attempting to hack into the iPhone 7, the Samsung Galaxy S8, the Google Pixel, and the Huawei Mate 9 Pro in an effort to win prizes totaling more than $500,000. And, for better […]
A few critical security updates also shipped out with Tuesday’s macOS High Sierra 10.13.1 update. Apple also released Security Update 2017-004 and Security Update 2017-001 macOS Sierra, which address the KRACK security exploit. KRACK is a vulnerability in the WPA2 encryption standard for Wi-Fi networks that lets attackers decrypt the data passing to and from […]
Following a successful preorder launch, Apple on Tuesday updated a handful of international websites to reflect new iPhone X Reserve and Pickup options set to begin on Nov. 4, giving customers another route to purchase. Over in Australia, Belgium, and the U.K., customers will have the option to show up and reserve an iPhone X […]
If you were looking for a meaty iOS update, this might be your lucky day. On Tuesday, Apple released iOS 11.1, the latest version of its mobile operating system. The update, a 246 megabyte download, adds the following fixes and changes: Emoji: – Over 70 new emoji characters including new food types, animals, mythical creatures, […]