Apple kicked off its media event by announcing its new Apple TV 4K set top device. The new model adds HDR functionality to allow a resolution capable of four times the pixels of the current 1080p HD model, while HDR provides a greater range of richer colors with supported titles and TV sets. The Apple […]
Month: September 2017
It looks like there’s a good chance the next-gen Apple TV will also use an A10X Fusion processor. Developer Steven Troughton-Smith has been analyzing the firmware files and has discovered signs that the new unit, set to be unveiled officially by Apple tomorrow, will use the A10X along with 3GB of RAM. This represents a […]
iOS developer Steve Troughton-Smith’s been able to contribute to the rumor mill of late given what he’s been able to glean from Apple’s beta software. In his latest contribution, he pointed out that the iPhone 8 will feature 2GB, while the iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X will both feature 3GB. For comparison’s sake, the […]
The near-final beta of iOS 11 has revealed some neat things, including a suggestion that Apple will be incorporating an “A11 Fusion” processor into its next-gen iPhone. The A11 Fusion is expected to have two cores for intensive processing needs, and four high-efficiency cores as well. Unearthed by Steve Troughton-Smith on Sunday, the iOS 11 […]
Apple’s “iPhone 8”, complete with an edge-to-edge OLED display and facial recognition, may be a bit hard to get a hold of for a while following “extended supply shortfalls and shipping delays,” as reported by The Wall Street Journal. The production problems have led to a setback of “about a month” in Apple’s manufacturing timetable, […]