Apple launched its official @apple Instagram account on Monday, wherein the account features a series of photo sets comprised of iPhone photographers’ work. Each album asset is actually a video slideshow of a photographer’s work with an accompanying sound clip of her or him talking about the subject matter. Apple encourages other Instagram users to […]
Month: August 2017
This could be something interesting. A series of new photos purported to be the next-gen iPhone have surfaced on social media web site Weibo. Within the photos, a large dark spot in the center of each image may support the rumor that the new model will feature some form of wireless charging. The black splotch […]
The rumor mill is currently stating that the Apple Watch Series 3 will have a new form factor. Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman has stated that Apple is likely to add LTE cellular support to the next-gen wearable and that this feature will be found in “at least some” models: Apple Inc. is planning to release a […]
The leaked HomePod firmware might have given away yet another feature for Apple’s upcoming next-gen iPhone. iHelp has noted a line that references support for facial recognition even when the device is laying flat on its back. The term “Pearl” is believed to be Apple’s name for Face ID: AXRestingPearlUnlock
While Apple has never released exact numbers as to how many Apple Watch units have been sold, Strategy Analytics puts the number around 30 million. This puts it behind Xiaomi in the wearables market, but definitely in respectable territory. “Apple shipped 2.8 million wearables worldwide in Q2 2017, growing 56 percent annually from 1.8 million […]