AirPods Hardware News

iFixit publishes full teardown of AirPods, reveals possible charging case flaws

The cool cats at iFixit have just published their full teardown of Apple’s new wireless AirPods along with the charging kit that arrives with the unit. Through the teardown, iFixit cites a multitude of closely knit components within the AirPods, along with a few “quality issues” within the charging case that may be the reason […]

Hardware MacBook Pro News USB-C

Apple lowers prices of assorted USB-C adapters until end of March, 2017

If you thought Apple’s USB-C adapter prices were a bit steep, there’s a price break until the end of March, 2017. Apple on Friday lowered the prices for many of its USB-C adapters, which are necessary for users who want to connect their devices to the new laptop. The new MacBook Pro has Thunderbolt 3/USB-C […]