MacBook Pro

REVIEW: MacBook Pro 17-inch

I replaced my 17″ PowerBook (1GHz) with a 17″ MacBook Pro. After half a day with the MacBook Pro, I’ve got almost all good things to say about my new machine (so far). The one downside is the heat when it is plugged in and set at “Better Performance” it is almost untouchable on the […]


iPod Recording Coming in June

… But not from Apple. XtremeMac’s MicroMemo digital voice recorder (US$80) allows you to record CD quality (44 KHz/16-bit) digital audio into your iPod video and is a highly anticipated accessory. The MicroMemo will be shipping in mid-June according to the vendor. Stay tuned for a review when it becomes available.

The Apple Core

The Apple Core: MacBook Pro temperature graphs

A website has started allowing MacBook Pro owners to take CPU heat measurements, plot the graphs and publish them for comparison on the web.

The Apple Core

The Apple Core: iPod on your Treo

There have been several attempt at merging the iPod and the mobile phone but each has so many compromises that most people end up going back to carrying two devices. There’s no question that the next big breakthrough in mobile technology will be the hybrid mobile phone/music player, and frankly, it’s Apple’s game to lose. […]


.Mac Public Folders Accessible in a Browser

If you’ve got a .Mac account and want to share files with non-Mac users, or if you are a PC user, and want to access a .Mac user’s Public folder, things have just got a lot easier. Entering the URL ‘’ (where ‘membername’ is the, erm, member’s name) in your web browser will render a […]