
T-Mobile Announces CallerTunes (Ringback Tones)

T-Mobile has announced a new service called CallerTunes, which is their version of ringback tones. Ringback tones are custom audio clips that callers hear when they dial your number instead of the usual ringing sound. CallerTunes are available from T-Mobile for US$1.49 per month and you have several to choose from. CallerTunes is a cool, […]


Why you should buy the Extended Service Plan at Best Buy

A PowerPage reader sends in this tip about the Best Buy Extended Service Plan. I purchased a 30GB iPod at Best Buy in June 2003 – US$499.99 plus US$39.99 service plan + tax = US$584.52. The iPod has been in for service three times and the problems are still not fixed. Time to use my […]


Vonage Announces Video Phone Service

According to ZDNet Vonage, the popular Voice Over IP (VOIP) vendor, will be offering a new video phone service in Q1 2005 “Vonage will sell videophones and a videophone service sometime before the end of March, its chief executive said Wednesday, stamping an important imprimatur on a market once derided by comparisons to the futuristic […]


PowerPage Gift Guide: Santa's Little Socks

Here at the UK office bureau we decided to kick off the festive season in style. Passing the Apple store is a weekly occurrence and feeling cheery with all the streaming lights of Christmas in London town we light-footed it up to Regents street and bought a box of iPod socks. Now like many out […]


Ask the PowerPage: Hard Drive as a Stereo Component

I recently developed an idea for an interesting product that Apple could develop using existing technology. I am a bit of novice audiophile and have recently gotten very frustrated with the user interface of numerous products. I would like to put all of my music onto a hard drive and use it like a stereo […]