
Cocoa Puffs With Your Wireless?

You may have seen the articles on the PowerPage about free WiFi in Phildelphia. Many places in the city offer wireless Internet connections, just not for free. Now there is a restaurant chain offering a new take on free wireless access while you munch. The food de jour is breakfast cereal with whatever toppings you […]


Apple's Flash Based iCard

The flash based iPod is coming, according to rumor mongers such as Reuters and Think Secret. What would it take to make a flash based player worthy of the iPod name? Well, who says it would be called an iPod? Read more…


The PowerBook Fan Book and iBook Fan Book

Charles Moore’s lastest Road Warrior column “The PowerBook Fan Book and iBook Fan Book” discusses some power books for the portable Mac fan on your Christmas shopping list. There are not a whole lot of books dedicated exclusively to Apple portable computers, but just in time for the Christmas season, O?Reilly and Derrick Story have […]


iBook Logic Board Repair Deadline Looming

If you own an iBook with video issues, note the upcoming 18 December 2004 deadline for the free repair program: “The program is available for certain iBook models (see below for a complete list) with serial numbers in the following range: UV117XXXXXX to UV342XXXXXX iBooks with the serial numbers listed above may be referred to […]


PowerBooks Power Fastest Yacht in the World

Below is a picture of three PowerBooks in the pilothouse of the Millennium 140 (pictured at right) during sea trials in Holland to break the speed record for the world fastest private yacht. Both designers of the project, Evan Marshall and Frank Mulder, are devout Apple users. Click through for more and a photo of […]